read ALL of the information below.
All prices are in Canadian funds.
You may find that reading/ordering is better on a computer or tablet so that you can see more of the information on your screen.
You can also learn more about Ann's sampler in this FlossTube video: https://youtu.be/-JUbgJ37JqU
Ann Jonson's sampler was reproduced and stitched by Lisa Brown.
We will be offering a PDF email of the full graph of the chart for paid orders. These will be emailed to you within one or two business days after your physical chart has been put in the mail.
Ann's sampler has been reproduced with a palette of sixteen colors in your choice of DMC floss, Soie d'Alger or Soie 100/3. The model for the cover was stitched using Soie 100/3.
are offering your choice of either hand dyed linen or solid color Legacy Linen for Ann's sampler. Please read the details further
down about choosing the best thread and fabric combination for your
This delightful sampler has been
mainly executed in cross stitch over two threads with some cross stitch over one for the verse as well as satin stitch and enlongated cross stitch. This sampler is suitable for
needleworkers of all abilities. We do not think this sampler would work well with Aida.
As we have much to undergo,
We all need patience here below
That after we have done his will,
We may be found on Zion's hill
We are providing fabric cuts that (with
exceptions noted below) include a minimum of 3" margin on each side for finishing and
framing. In most cases, the cut will be larger than you need in order
to accomodate the way our hand dyer can process the fabric.
Design sizes (fabric cut sizes are approximate):
- 28
count Linen 18.64" wide x 32.5" high ~ fabric cut size 27" x 36" - please note this will give you approximately 2" margins top and bottom.
- 32 count Linen 16.31" wide x 28.43" high" ~ fabric cut size 27" x 36"
- 36 count Linen 14.5" wide x 25.27" high ~ fabric cut size 27" x 36"
- 38 count Linen 13.74" wide x 23.95" high ~ fabric cut size 18" x 35" - please note this will give you approximately 2" margins on the sides.
- 40 count Linen 13.05" wide x 22.75" high ~ fabric cut size 18" x 27" - please note this will give you approximately 2" margins on the sides.
- 45 count Linen 11.6" wide x 20.22" high ~ fabric cut size 18" x 35"
- 46 count Linen 11.35" wide x 19.78" high ~ fabric cut size 18" x 27"
- 56 count Linen 9.32" wide x 16.25" high ~ fabric cut size 18" x 35"
Fabric and Thread Choices
We suggest that you choose your fabric first, then choose the appropriate thread with the appropriate quantity for the fabric that you have chosen.
Please note: we will correct your thread quantity to that most compatible with the fabric that you have chosen even if your order comes through asking for a different quantity.
DMC floss – a good choice for any of the fabrics that we are offering. Please be sure to choose the appropriate quantity of skeins from the drop down menu above for the fabric that you are ordering.
Soie d’Alger silk thread – best choice for 36 count and 40 count linen when using a single strand. Can be used for 28 and 32 count linen when using 2 strands.
Soie 100/3 silk thread – best choice for 46 or 56 count linen. Can also be used on 40 count linen but the coverage will be a bit sparse. Some people do choose to use this on 36 count linen as well with sparser coverage.
Stitch A Long Details:
The Ann Jonson Stitch A Long group will be a continuation of our HATS Facebook group that started with Ann Morison and continued with Esther Blackwood and Lucy Barber so if you already belong to this group, you will be included!
Here is the link to join our Facebook group:
Our Stitch A Long is once again being run by our amazing leader Rose Heck. Rose is sharing a monthly SAL layout and we will be touching base on a regular basis to share our progress.
Please subscribe to our FlossTube channel for the latest information and updates on our shop and the SAL: