Ann Wilson 1801 Quaker Sampler from Gentle Pursuit Designs

    Ann Wilson was affiliated with Westtown School although she is not on record as attending. Her father served on the board that created the school, cousins and nephews attended.

    Stitch count is 312 W x 274 H.

    We suggest stitching on a 40 count hand dyed linen and stitching with hand dyed silks from Soie d'Alger and Gloriana. DMC and Soie 100/3 conversions are included in the chart.
    Threads required include:
    Soie d'Alger ~ 1844, 2533, 3345, 3724, 3725, 4126, 4923, F10
    Gloriana ~ 045

    Please check the boxes above if you would like us to add the chart, linen and threads to your order.

    Ann Wilson 1801 Quaker Sampler from Gentle Pursuit Designs

    Item# GPAWil
    Price: See Options For Pricing
    Ann Wilson 1801 Quaker Sampler chart:
    40ct hand dyed linen 18" x 27" (2" allowance on all sides) ~ approx $55.00
    Hand dyed Silks 9 skeins ~ $82.50
    DMC Cotton floss conversion 9 skeins ~ $13.50

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