Stitch count is 260 W x 258 H.
Model was stitched on a 40 count hand dyed linen which is not available to us. We will send a nice 40ct hand dyed choice in its place for you.
Design was stitched with Soie 100/2 silks. Chart includes conversions to Soie d'Alger silks, Needlepoint Inc silks and DMC Cotton floss.
Threads required include:
Soie 100/3 ~ 198, 246, 557, 697, 664, 254, 274 (x2 spools), 070, 621, 303, 072, 537, crème, 629, 011
OR Soie d'Alger ~ 944, 1735, 1846, 2145, 2234, 2643, 3435, 3845, 4126, 5022, 5025, 5113, 5115, 5383, Blanc Optique
OR Needlepoint Inc silks ~ 152, 154, 155, 243, 502, 524, 548, 572, 584, 603, 607, 694, 871, 915, 963
OR DMC ~ 321, 327, 500, 503, 535, 680, 730, 838, 890, 927, 3041, 3328, 3371, 3768, 3865
Please check the boxes above to add the chart, linen and threads to your order.
Martha Evans 1879 from The Scarlett House
Item# SHMEv