Midsummer's Day Tailor Roll from Scattered Seed Sampler

    This chart includes color photo, charted design and charted alphabet with numbers to personalize the pinkeep.

    The Stitch count is 161 W by 58 H.

    The Model was stitched on 32count Antique Copper from Permin/Wichelt and was stitched with threads from DMC.

    Model was stitched using 1 strand of DMC over 2 linen threads, except for date/words/birds/initials which are stitched over 1 linen thread.

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    Midsummer's Day Tailor Roll from Scattered Seed Sampler

    Item# SSSMDTR
    Price: $17.95
    32 count Antique Copper linen from Permin/Wichelt 18" x 13.5" ~ $17.75
    DMC Cotton floss ~ To be determined

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