The simple verse, Be ye always kind and true, is a wonderful motto to try to follow every day.
This sampler can easily be changed to celebrate a special occasion such as a birth, wedding or anniversary. Simply replace the verse with a name or names and put details about the event in the two floral cartouches.
Stitch count: 148 W x 134 H
The model was stitched on 36-count Meadow Rue linen from Lakeside Linens, Inc, using silk threads from Needlepoint Inc. and overdyed silk threads from Crescent Colours (Belle Soie). DMC substitutions are listed in the directions.
Stitches used: cross stitch, backstitch, satin, and smyrna cross. If desired, cross stitch can be substituted for all but the backstitches.
Stitch diagrams are provided.
Please check the boxes above to add the chart, linen and threads.