White Twill Tape from Access Commodities ~ 3/8", 1/2" and 3/4"

    French Fine 100% cotton twill tape. 3 - 4yds/package dependant upon the width of the tape. White.

    Twill tape is used to wrap embroidery hoops to prevent marking of fabric.

    Access Commodities tells us: "We recommend wrapping the inner ring of the hoop, no matter the type of ground fabric. When wrapping, make the overlapping wraps at a 45 degree angle and do it firmly. Tack with a few cross stitches to the inside of the hoop. Wrap the outer ring if you are embroidering on fine silk fabric or anything that will mark.

    Finally, we suggest placing your design in the hoop so that the screw is at the eleven o’clock position, to keep your threads from catching on it."

    Comes in 3 widths: 3/8", 1/2" or 3/4".  Please choose your width from the drop down menu above.

    Diagram above shows the proper wrapping of the hoop.

    White Twill Tape from Access Commodities ~ 3/8", 1/2" and 3/4"

    Item# ACTT
    Price: See Options For Pricing
    Please choose your width from the following:

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