From the cover: "This sampler was made in 1841 by Jane Redmond, then 9 years old, who lived near Casey's Corner, North Alton, Nova Scotia. She was a friend of my grandmother, Mrs. Matthew Carter." This note was written in fountain pen (the ink now faded to sepia) on the back of the framed sampler and signed:Margaret Carter Pynn Lunt Merideth, N.H.
Finished size is 5 3/4" x 16 1/8" on 28 count Desert Sand Linen.
Kit includes 28 count linen, needle, thread card with Fiber to Dye For hand dyed silk thread,chart, detailed instructions and a color photograph.
Stitches used are cross, satin, and Algerian eye.
Forgery #8 ~ 1841 Jane Redmond by Amy Mitten / Fibers to Dye For
Item# AMDF8
Price: $76.00