This is the eighth kit in Amy's series "From Around the World in 80 Days". Please visit the link below for information about ordering the kits in the series automatically.
You can order each kit individually or please visit the link for the series below to receive each kit in the series as it becomes available.
Amy tells us: "Fez is a sample of the unique embroidery called 'Terz del Ghoraz' from Fez, which was the capital of Morocco until 1925. The embroidery is worked in a counted double running 'Fez Stitch' to create disciplined geometric borders enclosing diamonds, eight pointed stars and flanked with stylized floral risers. The embroidery is characterized by having a dense massive feel."
The finished size is approximately 6 3/8" x 4 5/8". Double Running Stitch is used.
The kit includes 36 count Cream Edinburgh linen, needle thread car with 'Fibers to Dye For' silk threads, chart, detailed instructions, color photograph, notes regarding Fez needlework.