Translated from Au Ver a Soie's web site:
For over 180 years, Oval Silk has been a “flat”, lightly twisted thread with intense shine, made from Pure Silk, available in a range of over 90 colors and available in 30 m spools.
In 1890, the Oval Silk card included 2,688 different colors divided into 107 ranges. It is this card that serves as a reference for adding new colors. Our current map comes from this. The object of all our care, this silk thread of particular quality is considered a reference thread in creative activities. Useful in extreme cases: a few filaments taken from the strand allow very fine embroidery, for example on 112 gauze.
This silk is also perfect for needle painting. It is also used by major fashion designers, embroiderers, restorers and weavers. Use of Oval silk: By hand : Restoration and creation of carpets, tapestries and
embroidery Trimmings Needle painting Bobbin lace Japanese embroidery Fishing fly Canvas, fabrics, silk gauze By machine: Weaving Tip for using Oval Silk in hand embroidery: embroider with a maximum length of 45 cm in order to better control your work and avoid excessive abrasion of the thread (this thread is intended for experienced embroiderers).
Soie Ovale from Au Ver a Soie ~ 30 meter spools
Item# AVASSO30m
Price: $7.50