Souvenir Shop #5 ~ Beach Boardwalk series from Country Cottage Needleworks

    The Beach Boardwalk series consists of 7 designs that will be released consecutively for 7 months. The series of 7 charts are individually priced at $11.50 per chart plus postage.

    Souvenir Shop is the fifth design released in 2023!

    If the entire series is stitched together it has a stitch count of 413w x 72h.  Also, if you are stitching the series together you will stitch each chart right next to each other with no spaces in between.

    Stitch count is 59 W x 71 H.

    We suggest stitching on 32 count Star Sapphire Belfast linen, and will be offering a Custom cut size of 36" x 13" for the Complete series design. A standard Wide Eighth 18" x 13.5" will work for each individual design!

    The designs also use the same threads throughout.

    If all of the designs are stitched, a total of this many skeins of floss will be needed: Classic Colorworks’ Toasted Marshmallow (4), Chesapeake Bay (2), Rain Shower (2), Shrimp Cocktail (2), Cobbled Peach (1), Cherry Tomato (1), Frosted Sage (1), Caribbean Waters (1), Chai (1), Straw Hat (1), Pebble Beach (1), Sticks and Twigs (1).  One each of DMC 754, and 3064. DMC alternatives for the Classic Colorworks threads are provided on the charts.

    Souvenir Shop is stitched with:
    Classic Colorworks ~ Toasted Marshmallow, Sticks and Twigs, Cherry Tomato, Caribbean Waters, Cobbled Peach, Pebble Beach, Rain Shower, Shrimp Cocktail, Straw Hat, Chesapeake Bay, Frosted Sage.

    Please check the boxes above to add the charts, linen and threads for the complete series to your order.

    Souvenir Shop #5 ~ Beach Boardwalk series from Country Cottage Needleworks

    Item# CCNBBd5
    Price: See Options For Pricing
    Souvenir Shop #5 Beach Boardwalk chart:
    Custom Cut for Complete Series 32 count Star Sapphire linen from Wichelt 36" x 13" ~ $42.00
    Hand dyed cotton floss 11 skeins (for this one design) ~ $46.75
    Stitching each Design seperately 32 count Star Sapphire linen from Wichelt 18" x 13.5" ~ $21.00

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