This design was released at the Nashville Needlework Market in March 2017.
Giulia tells us: "Dedicated to Canada and our Canadian friends."
Chart with stitching and finishing instructions.
The models were stitched on 32 count hand dyed Doubloon linen from Picture This Plus using the Thread Gatherer Silk n Colors hand dyed silk floss and silk ribbon. Hand dyed Velvet from Dames of the Needle was used to sew the strawberry. Please check the boxes above to add these items to your order.
The design was finished with a Large cherry Stitcher's Cache and Large Stitcher's Sampler Tray from Priscilla's Pocket.
Please check the boxes above to add the trays, fob, & pins to your order.
If the trays or scissor fobs are added to your order, they will be shipped by parcel post.