Elizabeth Dinsdale 1846 , PDF OR Printed Book~ Hands Across the Sea

    This sampler is brought to you as part of a series of designs that are available as either a .PDF download by Hands Across the Sea Samplers or a Printed Chart.

    There are a few versions of the pdf. You will be able to download any or all of the following versions of the pdf and the graph:
    Version 1 ~ A pdf with a multi-page colour chart.
    Version 2 ~ A pdf with a one-page colour chart which can be printed but is intended to be viewed/used on your tablet, phone, laptop, or computer.
    Version 3 ~ A pdf with a multi-page black and white symbol chart.
    Version 4 ~ A pdf with a one-page black and white chart which can be printed but is intended to be viewed/used on your tablet, phone, laptop, or computer.

    Nicola tells us "Two of the three samplers bear the date “May the 26th 1843” and three very poignant words “LIFE IS SHORT” emphasised in capital lettering. Contained within this booklet are two reproductions. Elizabeth’s simple primer worked when she was 12 years of age and the sampler she worked three years later. Several motifs in the sampler have been taken from the third sampler. Note the three urns of flowers and the pairs of deer.

    A curious feature of the primer and the unreproduced sampler is that they both have the exact same date. Would Elizabeth have been working both projects at the same time, finishing them on the same date? How we wish we could ask her!

    The sampler Elizabeth finished in 1846 shows a maturity in her chosen colour palette. Her verse refers to “midnight”, and she has managed to capture the sense of moonlight playing on the motifs in the top half of the sampler. The moon and stars really do play over the grand Georgian house."

    Elizabeth’s needlework has been reproduced using Au Ver à Soie’s range of Soie 100.3. We have provided conversions for Soie d’Alger (SDA) and DMC.

    Stitch counts are: 1843 Primer ~ 89 W x 116 H and 1846 Sampler ~ 231 W x 219 H

    We have suggested Just the Ticket hand dyed linen from TabbyCat for the 1843 Primer and Muddy Duck hand dyed linen from TabbyCat for the 1846 Sampler.

    Please check the boxes above to add the Printed booklet or PDF download chart, linen and threads to your order.

    Elizabeth Dinsdale 1846 , PDF OR Printed Book~ Hands Across the Sea

    Item# HATSEDin
    Price: See Options For Pricing
    Elizabeth Dinsdale 1846 chart:
    Sampler 32 count Muddy Duck hand dyed linen from TabbyCat 18" x 27"(2" allowance on all sides) ~ $55.00
    Sampler 36 count Muddy Duck hand dyed linen from TabbyCat 18" x 27" ~ $55.00
    Sampler 40 count Muddy Duck hand dyed linen from TabbyCat 18" x 27" ~ $56.50
    Primer 32 count Just the Ticket hand dyed linen from TabbyCat 18" x 13.5" ~ $27.50
    Primer 36 count Just the Ticket hand dyed linen from TabbyCat 18" x 13.5" ~ $27.50
    Primer 40 count Just the Ticket hand dyed linen from TabbyCat 18" x 13.5" ~ $28.25
    Please choose your Sampler threads from the list below:
    Please choose your Primer threads from the list below:

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