Jan tells us "Part 2 of CRS 1713 is filled with many wonderful creatures: swans, a stag, multiple peacocks and many birds. This section also has a wreath with the start date of the sampler, 1712. Part 2 is a little bigger than Part 1, but still a manageable size, I believe. I stitched the model in HDF Silks, and have also provided conversions to DMC and Au Ver à Soie 100.3 silks. "
The overall stitch count for the entire piece is 160 x 874. I am releasing this in parts that I hope will be manageable chunks for stitchers who want to stitch along and keep up with my quarterly releases. Part 2, with a stitch count of 160 x 249, showcases many wonderful creatures and the original created date. "
Design is shown stitched on 46 count Antique Button Medium Dark hand dyed linen from Mason Linen and stitched with hand dyed silks. Conversions to DMC and Au Ver a Soie 100.3 silk are also included in the chart.
Please check the boxes above to add the chart, linen and threads to your order.
Item# JHCRS17132