This is the eighth chart in The Houses on Wisteria Lane Series - 8th of 9. If you would like to receive all the designs in this series, please check the box above.
Stitch Count 97 x 87. Complete series of 9 designs will have a stitch count of 347 x 277.
Individual model
is stitched on 36 count Faun hand dyed linen from Picture This Plus OR 36 count Cocoa hand dyed linen from Weeks Dye Works for the complete series of designs,and stitched with 1
strand over 2 linen threads and stitched with hand dyed threads from
Weeks Dye Works, The Gentle Art and Classic Colorworks. A DMC conversion is provided. Individual model is trimmed with Barn Door Rick Rack from Lady Dot Creates.
Threads required include: (to be confirmed)
Weeks Dye Works ~ Chickpea, Havana, Conch and Hibiscus.
Gentle Art ~ Endive, Brandy, Portabella, Melon Patch
Classic Colorworks ~ Sugar Plum, Ora's Iris, Chili Pepper, Gingersnap, Avocado, Toasted Marshmallow, Rose Petal, Clay Pot, Cappuccino and Blackbird
Please check the boxes above to add the chart, linen, threads and trim to your order.