Lois' Stocking from Shepherd's Bush

    Shepherd's Bush releases a new stocking chart every year. This is from 2018.

    Model was stitched on 18 count linen which is no longer available. We are suggesting the 20 count as a substitute with a similar look and finish.

    Design was stitched with a combination of DMC and Weeks Dye Works hand dyed pearl cotton #5. The Pearl cotton #5 from Classic Colorworks used in the original model is no longer available.

    There is also an embellishment pack available that includes all of the beads and embellishments to stitch this design.

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    Lois' Stocking from Shepherd's Bush

    Item# SBSLois
    Price: See Options For Pricing
    Lois's Stocking chart:
    20ct Natural/Raw linen from Permin/Wichelt 18" x 27" ~ $38.50
    DMC #5 Pearl Cotton 3 skeins (#644, 729, 841) ~ $9.75
    Embellishment Pack ~ $31.95
    Weeks Dye Works hand dyed #5 Pearl Cotton 11 skeins ~ $65.45

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